Thursday, January 10, 2008

It is interesting ... I've had this conversation with about 5 friends in the last few days ... why is it that we know what makes us feel good and keep us happy and healthy but we don't do it. The things that are the most important to us, Spiritual Things, Exercise and Eating Healthy are the things that we give up first or we seem to not have the time to do. It seems we put off ourselves to do the unimportant things, that seem oh so important at the time and then the important things, the truly important things, suffer the most...our relationships, our health both physical and emotional. It's craziness.

I told each of my friends, relax, take some time out for yourselves, pour a glass of wine, take a bath, get back in touch with your spiritual needs, exercise ... and then I thought ... "hey there Ms. Penny, you need to heed your own advice!" So last night I did because I was really getting into a funk and I have to tell you that today I woke up and felt like myself again. It was great!! It is amazing what a hot bath, good wine, good ready and a little reflection and goal setting can do for oneself!

Balance. It truly is key. I didn't make it to the gym today ... but I did think about it and promised to make it there tomorrow.

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